Yoga Studio EU Organic Buckwheat Drawstring Bolster
Our Yoga EU Organic Drawstring Bolsters have been Hand-Made in the EU using extremely high grade, clean and organic buckwheat hulls.Yoga Studio Bolsters are designed specifically for yoga practice as they provide a stable support. The Round Yoga Bolster is...
Yoga Studio EU Organic Buckwheat Drawstring Bolster
Our Yoga EU Organic Drawstring Bolsters have been Hand-Made in the EU using extremely high grade, clean and organic buckwheat hulls.Yoga Studio Bolsters are designed specifically for yoga practice as they provide a stable support. The Round Yoga Bolster is...

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Creating a meditation area is an important part of your yoga practice. It is important that the area you choose is comfortable and restful.

Meditation cushions make the perfect addition to your meditation and restorative space. There are a huge variety of meditation cushions available, including zafus, zabutons, traversins and many others.

Ce sont non seulement des outils formidables pour le yoga Iyengar et d'autres formes de yoga restaurateur, qui vous aident à réaliser des poses difficiles et des étirements plus profonds, mais ils sont aussi incroyablement confortables pour vos moments de relaxation et de méditation. Bien entendu, vous pouvez également emporter votre coussin de méditation avec vous en cours, et de nombreux coussins sont dotés d'une poignée de transport idéale pour faciliter cette tâche.

Le coussin de méditation est disponible dans une large gamme de tailles et de formes, avec des motifs et des couleurs magnifiques pour créer l'environnement zen parfait pour vous.

Zafus tend to be smaller meditation cushions, while zabutons and traversins are larger, and all shapes and sizes have important roles to play in restorative, yoga and meditative practices.

No matter what shape or size of meditation cushion you fall in love with, rest assured that it is designed to help you stay comfortable and relaxed for the duration of your meditation.

The only downside of meditation cushions, as we see it, is the fact that there are so many gorgeous ones on the market that you may become a little bit obsessed and end up with quite a collection! However, if this helps your yoga practice, then so much the better, so why not have a look at the fantastic range we have an offer?

Vous vous sentez perdu ?
Nous avons rassemblé ci-dessous quelques questions fréquemment posées pour vous aider à choisir le bon coussin de méditation pour votre pratique.

Women Holding Her Yoga Block


We have put together some of the most popular questions and answers around meditation cushions. We have covered everything from what are the best shape cushions to use, to how to use them in your meditation practice. If you would still like some advise on which cushions or bolsters to choose, you can always give our customer service team a call or email us directly at info@yogastudiostore.comNous nous ferons un plaisir de vous aider.

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